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« Planzone is a key tool to help us structure our organization in a fast-paced environment. Our consultants can report their progress in real time while traveling to our clients' sites across China and Asia. Our team meetings are more efficient and we can focus on value-added tasks and optimize resource planning. »

« All exchanges are now done on Planzone, even on projects that do not concern me. Simply because, the day I need to intervene on a subject, I need to be able to easily see the history. I don't want to receive hundreds of summary emails or be copied. Employees no longer waste time looking for what they need to do. They are more efficient in their work. »

« Thanks to Planzone, my co-workers exchange ideas more easily and don't need me to get all the agency's project schedules. The solution was implemented very quickly. We particularly appreciate its ease of use on a daily basis and its low cost compared to the ROI that it generates. »