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Multi-project management and your Planzone’s License

Written by Planzone | Jul 20, 2012 12:27:33 PM

In this article, we would like to clarify how the multi-project management functionality depends on your Planzone's License.

"Trial", "Business" and "Enterprise" licenses of Planzone have access to :

  • The multi-project timeline (with the "Schedule" mode and the "Tracking" mode)
  • The multi-project resource usage (with load graph)
  • The resource load graph (in "My Schedule" and in Project “Schedule”)

You can also make changes directly from the multi-project views and expand projects and resources in them to see more details and make changes.

"Basic" and "Team" licenses likewise have access to :

  • The multi-project timeline (with the "Schedule" mode and the "Tracking" mode)
  • The multi-project resource usage (with load graph)
  • The resource load graph (in "My Schedule" and in Project “Schedule”)

But you cannot make changes or expand projects and resources in the multi-project views. You can of course always see or modify this information in other views :

  • from a project by going to "Planning" / "Schedule" where you can change the schedule and allocations of resources in the project.
  • by going to "My Work" / "My Schedule". You can change your allocations and if you are an administrator, the one of all your resources.

We hope this information helps you more easily use the features of the new versions of Planzone.


Your Planzone Team.